You have 14 days to return an item unless it’s damaged, soiled, or excessively used. Upon return, your merchandise will be inspected and appropriate credits and/or refunds will be issued for the item(s) and any taxes due to be refunded in accordance with state law. 20% restocking fee will apply. Homevita is not responsible for merchandise that is too large or doesn’t fit said area. Availability is an estimate according to the information given at the time of purchase. Homevita is not responsible for any delay or default of merchandise beyond the control of Homevita.
Damage Policy
If the product is damaged upon delivery and setup, Homevita’s delivery service will return said item and deliver a replacement piece that is acceptable to customer.
Warranty Policy
Homevita warrants that its merchandise are free from manufacturing defects (workmanship and/or material) and will replace defective parts for a period of up to one (1) year from the date of purchase in accordance with the conditions set forth below. Homevita makes no warranties beyond manufactures warranty.